Coming alongside of teens as they navigate a confusing world during their own time of budding maturity, focusing on overall wellness as persons...
Tuesdays for Teens will provide input toward becoming a respectful, confident, responsible, and socially competent young adult. The format will include light exercise, spiritual topic of the day, and interactive exploration on a wide range of topics.
Tuesdays for Teens:
6th -12th graders (homeschoolers, public, private and charter school students) are welcome on Tuesdays (6:30-8 pm)!
Pastor Dylan Smith has prepared activities, learning, and fun (even if not in that order!).
During this COVID period there has been a pause in face to face meetings. For information about current and upcoming opportunities, please contact Pastor Dylan at 717-386-3652 or
Ordinarily, the evenings start at 6:30 pm in the Goldsboro Borough gym (53 N. York Street)...
Participants are asked to take and have authorization forms completed by their parents/guardians. Contact the Goldsboro Church office for more information or authorization forms: <> or 717-938-0501.