Sunday School hour is at 9:00 am
The Goldsboro Church is entering a new phase of its history, and as such is restructuring our Christian Education efforts. New curriculum, teachers, and classes have been established to communicate the Good News of Jesus to young and old.
We gather to worship God at 10:00 am on Sundays
Jesus invites 'whosoever will' to come to Him. So, in our various stages of brokenness we come together for healing, mutual encouragement, instruction, praise, and intercessory prayer.
Midweek faith booster (Wednesdays 1 pm)
Adults share in a time of prayer and Bible study to explore how Jesus has come to reveal God's purpose for life, how the Bible applies to our life issues, and challenges us to engage in our world. This time slot is unusual... but accessible to stay at home Moms, shift workers, retirees, etc.
Praying for Revival (2nd Sundays @ 6 pm)
Monthly focus on our personal need for a deep connection with Almighty God, as well as prayer for our immediate community, nation, and the world. These sessions include Scripture, prayer and a short video segment of a previous movement of God. The brief videos challenge and inspire us as we are reminded of key times when the Holy Spirit moved people in powerful ways for God's purpose and glory.
1:1 Discipleship
One of the most effective ways of establishing new believers in their faith in and understanding of their relationship with Jesus is to meet one on one with another disciple who can walk alongside of them as they mature. Our leaders will joyfully arrange 1:1 sessions according to your schedule!
Children/Youth ministry
Tuesdays for Teens (middle/high school students) meets Tuesdays (6:30-8 pm); starts at the Borough building gym and concludes at the church facility
Sunday School classes @ 9 am on Sundays
Camp YoliJwa
(YOuth LIving Jesus' WAy) is the Christian Camping Ministry of the Eastern Regional Conference Churches of God. The YoliJwa program consists of 15 weeks of summer camp and four different weekend retreats. Camp YoliJwa is designed to provide an opportunity for children, youth and adults to share in Christian living experiences.
Men's meetings
"Man Cave" (Tuesdays (7 pm)
Each month the boys and men meet for a breakfast, time of prayer and study, and plan out service projects and relationship building events. This meets off campus, email us at for directions or leave a message at 717-938-0501 for directions!
GriefShare (check with pastor as to start of next course date)
GriefShare meets weekly for three months, providing opportunity for those working through a significant loss to gather with others and to grow. We provide support through prayer, the Bible, short video clips from leading authorities on dealing with grief, and other course materials. The topics rotate, so new attenders can start any week! If we do not currently offer the course, we will direct you to another nearby location.